Inam's Peasant Revolt Devlog


5 minutes


Hello! Welcome back. It's been over two weeks so I think we're more than overdue for another devlog. I had to decide between pushing them to be every two weeks or choosing between the blog posts / videos. I decided I enjoyed having both mediums, so they'll be biweekly going forward. That being said, this one is still late. That isn't because I haven't been working on it, but because largely I don't know what to say. Let's start with a little demo video.

Now, you may note in the video that the game is entirely text-based. This is mostly because my main inspirations were Disco Elysium, Pentiment, but mixed with the runtime of A Short Hike or a Moritician's Tale. And to an extent I am playing to my strengths and my competition's weaknesses. I do like writing, and I don't think I'm terrible at it, but most other games in my revenue goal bracket have *terrible* writing. But only writing-based gameplay? It's really tough. I'm a much better programmer than writer, but in this way I have shoe-horned myself into spending every day writing. Or, more accurately, *trying* to write.

Let me try to explain some of the calculus. The average person apparently reads at 240 words per minute. I want my game to roughly have a runtime of 30 minutes, so 240 words per minute * 30 minutes = 7200 words. Easy enough, right? Well, not really. Because good character writing in a game relies on the player's ability to change the character's arc. This applies at least to the main character, but you also want the player to be able to influence the world.

So, while I could just write 7000 words straight and give the player no options, what type of game is that? A game with no game mechanics and poor writing, not far from the games I've been looking to compete with. (Note, though, that those games have significantly more varied scenes and better soundtracks than mine. Being good at writing and programming means those are my main two ways to differentiate myself. An even bleaker outlook.) So, I basically need multiple arcs. With the smallest arc being around 7000 words. This is a devlog so let me show you my character design notes for Alyson, the main character.

# Characters
- What makes a good character?
        - "for maximum impact, players should be able to *influence* the protagonist's arc"
        - every character has a specific *goal*, but that *changes* over the course of the story
                - a character discovers what they think they want they dont actually want it at all
        - Desire = Want (external) + Need (internal)
        - In striving for the want, the protagonist discovers their need, overcoming their flaw.
        - "A game is a series of meaningful choices"
        - Each turning point has the same question: will the protagonist overcome their flaw
        - Multi-arc protagonist, in games, can:
                1. Change for the best, overcome their flaw
                2. Change for the worst, embrace their flaw
                3. Refuse/fail to change
        - "The harder, the more complex the question, the better"
## Main Character
        - Alys(on) Ash  
        - Female widow pilgrim
        - A friar
        - Original goal: fix the church
        - Flaw: limited scope, hegemonic buy-in
        - Possible end states:
                - liberate the peasants / bring down the aristocracy
                - be absorbed into the "reform" apparatus within the church, co-option
                - successfully reform the church - and that is it
		- class collaborationism - work with the gentry and nobles
        - The Question: Will Alyson embrace a violent revolt? And to what extent?

Of course, the game I am making now is just the prologue to a possibly larger series. This gives me leeway to kick some consequences down the road. But still! It's a lot more than just 7000 words, and I am having A HARD GODDAMN TIME WITH IT. This is my mid-development hell moment, is trying to make myself wake up every day and write 1000 words. Probably a simple task for someone with an English degree, but not for me.

I currently have 3000 words, and I probably need another 7000 before it even approaches my desired runtime. If I get that done by June 10th, which would be quite the feat for me, then that gives me one week for the, uh, entire soundtrack. As someone with no music experience. And, uh, also...all of the UI...and polish. We're on crunch time baby!! Yippie!!!

Also I want to note my mental state is significantly deteriorated and I am riddled with self-doubt. Just saying. So you know. It's hard to do one's own thing and to make something. So if it's tough for you too, remember, that's why uh, that is why everyone doesn't do it. The tough parts are what filter our competition. So they suck, but, if we get through it? Well, we fucking got through it.

I definitely think if this game is successful I will put all of the money in getting someone to work with me part time. Doing this alone is tough on the old noggin. Along those lines, expect some announcements for some community infrastructure soon. Until then, subscribe to my mailing list below, or don't, I'll love you regardless. byeeeee